

While Zero Rust® primers are extremely corrosion resistant and can be used with most any topcoat or without one, not coating Zero Rust® primers will allow the color to chalk and fade when exposed to the elements. Zero Rust® topcoats have the sheen and UV resistance properties to topcoat Zero Rust® primer and maintain a gloss appearance that will not chalk or degrade when exposed to the elements, particularly UV rays from the sun. Zero Rust topcoats do not offer the same corrosion resistance properties as Zero Rust® primer and should only be used as a system (two coats of Zero Rust® primer and one coat of Zero Rust® topcoat) and when used accordingly, will provide the ultimate corrosion and UV resistant coating system. * ONE-COAT COVERAGE OVER TWO COATS OF ZERO RUST PRIMER * EXCELLENT ADHESION PROPERTIES * 5 GLOSS SHEEN COLORS * 1 SATIN SHEEN COLOR * UV STABLE * EASY-TO-USE * ISOCYANATE FREE * COST EFFECTIVE * ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY * NEW “COMFORT TIP”

Part #: ZR.AZRT-06

Price and Units

Units: CAN

Units: CAN
Product Links:
Technical Data Sheet
