


Built to Last
GOLD 290 not only cuts faster, it does so without clogging or loading. Which means you increase your productivity and save precious time on the job. So much so, in fact, that no other comparably priced sandpaper even comes close!
Excellent Conformability
Gold 290’s tough, flexible backing adds contour hugging capability and better resists wrinkles, tearing and edge-chipping.
For Great Performance and Value, WatchGold 290 go to Work! Put down the paper you’re using now! Because, for the money, nothing beats GOLD 290’s fast, cool cutting and consistent, high quality finish. To get the job done right, first-time, every time use GOLD 290 for just about everything a sandpaper can do:
❚ Feather-edging
❚ Sanding primers
❚ Stripping old paint
❚ Dry sanding plastic and putty
❚ Removing burrs and scratches
❚ Cutting down filler
❚ Even light metal sanding and weld blending

Part #: NO.49910

Price and Units

Units: BOX

Units: BOX